
TRIGGERS/EXPORTS Lua code examples for Client Side

TriggerEvent("sfpolice:tabletopen") -- open police tablet
TriggerEvent("nuifix") -- if the NUI breaks.
local result = exports["sfpolice"]:bodyCamStatus()
return result -- true(BC is enable) or false(BC is disable)

EXPORTS Lua code examples for Server Side

local jobs = { "police", "ems" } -- what units should receive dispatch
local street = "XYZ" -- The street where the report was sent from or false
local code = "ROB" -- Report code
local gps = vector3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0) -- The location where the report was sent from
local description= "Shop robbery" -- example
local blipData = {
	sprite = 161,
	color = 43,
	scale = 0.8,
	label = '# Shop robbery',
	timeInSeconds = 60, -- how long the blip should be displayed on the map (in seconds)
} -- blipData can be false
local source = false -- source player or false - if you provide the source, the police officer will be able to respond to the report on dispatch
local limit = 10 -- number or nil - displays the limit of police officers for a given report
exports["sfpolice"]:sendDispatch(jobs, street, code, gps, description, blipData, source, limit)

In your radio script, add export so that the tablet shows data on which radio the officer is on

local source = source
local channel = 1 -- for e.g.
exports["sfpolice"]:setChannelRadio(source, channel)

Checking the number of officers who have the status 'available'


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